Welcome to the ISTRO website

On this site you will find information about the International Soil Tillage Research Organisation (ISTRO), which focusses on the impact and consequences of various soil tillage (including no-till) practices and from field traffic. More information about the organisation itself can be found on the organisation page. 

Activities organised by ISTRO and other organisations concerning soil tillage can be found on the activities page. 
Further information about recent publications are found on the publications page.


March 5th 2023 - The latest version of ISTRO info, the March 2023 issue, is available for download. In this issue:

- Emeritus Professor Pieter Groenevelt Orbituary
- Upcoming Meetings and Events

- New Books

The March issue of ISTRO info is for the greater part dedicated to the passing of former Soil and Tillage Research Editor-in-Chief Prof. Pieter Groeneveld. After a long and fruitful life, dear friend and colleague to many Pieter Groenevelt passed away on February 10th 2023.