Soil and Tillage Research

This ISTRO-affiliated Elsevier journal 'Soil and Tillage Reseach' examines the physical, chemical and biological changes in the soil caused by tillage and field traffic. Manuscripts will be considered on aspects of soil science, physics, technology, mechanization and applied engineering for a sustainable balance among productivity, environmental quality and profitability.

The following are examples of suitable topics within the scope of the journal of Soil and Tillage Research:

  • The agricultural and biosystems engineering associated with tillage (including no-tillage, reduced-tillage and direct drilling), irrigation and drainage, crops and crop rotations, fertilization, rehabilitation of mine spoils and processes used to modify soils.
  • Soil change effects on establishment and yield of crops, growth of plants and roots, structure and erosion of soil, cycling of carbon and nutrients, greenhouse gas emissions, leaching, runoff and other processes that affect environmental quality.
  • Characterization or modeling of tillage and field traffic responses, soil, climate, or topographic effects, soil deformation processes, tillage tools, traction devices, energy requirements, economics, surface and subsurface water quality effects, tillage effects on weed, pest and disease control, and their interactions.

Chairs of Editors-in-Chief

X. Peng
Institute of Soil Science Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, China
Email X. Peng

O.B. Wendroth
University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, United States of America
Email O.B. Wendroth


L. Alakukku
University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Email L. Alakukku

J. Heitman
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, United States of America
Email J. Heitman

F. Horn
University of Kiel Institute of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, Kiel, Germany
Email F. Horn

B. Jansen
University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Email B. Jansen

T. Keller
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Department of Soil and Environment, Uppsala, Sweden
Email T. Keller

B.M. McKenzie
University of Dundee Environmental Science, Dundee, United Kingdom
Email B.M. McKenzie

E. Noellemeyer
National University of La Pampa, Santa Rosa, Argentina
Email E. Noellemeyer